Personal tryout of harnesses and other sport equipment
A personal tryout is the best way to choose a harness, a belt, a leash, a jacket, or any other equipment for dog sports. Choosing this equipment remotely just by taking measure and consulting a size chart is always a bit of a lottery. That is why we offer three ways of doing a personal tryout with our experts.
WHAT does a tryout look like?
At the beginning, we discuss your needs and wants with you and summarize what the market has to offer. We always select the equipment to fit your dog and meet your requirements – we choose across brands and sizes based on our considerable experience. We always give you the opportunity to test the equipment in action – be it on the fly or on the spot. We can simulate the pulling performance by attaching a chain weight to the harness, motivating your dog by running with them or simulating the pull. Only then you can be sure that the harness or belt fits perfectly.
HOW LONG does a tryout take?
A standard consultation takes 30 minutes when trying on a harness, a belt, or other parts of the gear (jackets, leashes, carabiners) and it is also the minimum booking time. If you plan on buying the full set of gear (harness – bungee leash – belt), please book 60 minutes instead.
Here you can find a brief overview of where and how you can try out and purchase products from our product range.
The simplest option is to book an appointment in our system or by phone +420 604 372 734, arrive to our showroom (at Heršpická 11f, Brno 639 00) and we will focus exclusively on you and your needs.
You can also pick up your confirmed e-shop orders in person in our showroom on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. In November 2024, we are open Mo–Fr 10–17 and on Wednesdays 10–18. On other days or times, please call +420 604 372 734. However, if you would like to try out a part of your order, please book an appointment just like for a regular tryout.
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